Month: February 2019

  • India is Rich in Culture and Beauty

    Wherever you turn to in India, you’ll find out there are numerous things you to do and sights to see that are surely new to you. There are so many experiences you mustn’t miss on- is it the fascinating or rewarding or shocking or educational or even the confusing ones? Every day of your stay…

  • Visiting Scotland in the Spring!

    Scotland, the U.K.’s northernmost country, is a land of mountain wildernesses, glacial glens (valleys) and lochs (lakes).Scotland’s  major cities are Edinburgh, the capital, and Glasgow. Here are a few recommendations  of things to see while visiting Scotland. Loch Ness   We have all heard the myth of the Loch Ness monster. So we have to…

  • The Spectacular, Stunning Dominica Island

    Dominica, West Indies is situated in the Caribbean on the eastern chain of Windward Isles. Dominica is one of the several places in the world where the coral is in incredible and excellent condition. This is a beautiful island with a high mountain range, underwater hot springs, waterfalls, and abundant vegetation, tropical rainforest. Life here…